About the founder..

I’m just an (probably below) average guy, I was never super into watches, never thought i’d be designing watches. I never thought I’d fall in love with watches like I have. And that’s the fun in not knowing what’s to come next in life.

I realized no other watch company was designing the hour and minute hands of watches, So simply put - I said F*ck it, and decided to do it myself.

Watches should be fun, I'm making watches fun again.

Felice (pronounced fuhl-EE-chai) is an Italian word meaning “happy.”

And that’s what I want, I want people who wear my watches to be happy. Have fun, look good, and don’t break the bank while doing it.

I design cool watches with great quality - but the idea here is to wear a watch that tells a little story about you.

- Thomas Perretta

Because It's Time.

Because It's Time.